Our “New Normal”

As a brand-sustaining business, switching to a remote model (aka “WFH,” or “working from home”) is just business as usual for us. In our 28 years, we’ve been tested more than a few times, including a hurricane and flooding that saw us relocate all agency operations to a hotel conference room for two weeks.
But this time, we aren’t side-by-side in a hotel space; we are spread across more than a hundred separate locations in three cities. Technology allows us to continue producing our work seamlessly, but how can we preserve our culture and morale, which is so key to fostering creativity and productivity?
Enter digital “Quaranteam” building. To wit:
- We’ve been sharing images of our new office spaces with each other, and for most of us, those images include our new colleagues: spouses, children, or four-legged and furry.
- With the goal of staying social (while maintaining social distance), we’ve devoted a lunch hour to playing a rousing game of Quiplash – allowing us to share some laughs, stay creative (as well as competitive), and recharge our social banter batteries.
- A virtual happy hour on Friday afternoons has us rocking an agency-wide, BYOB digital hang that connects us and is helping to keep our spirits up (literally), while providing a wonderful respite to the madness inside and out.
Of course, through all of this new normal, we remain hyper-committed to serving our clients. When we do finally leave our home offices to return to our main offices, our agency will be stronger and better than ever before, with culture intact and morale up.
Want to learn more about Pavone Group, our work and our people? Visit the Pavone Group Newsroom for news and other agency announcements. Want to join the Pavone Group team? Visit our Careers page!